Monday, May 30, 2011

april showers bring may flowers.

We got home from our weekend away today to find three gorgeous Stargazer Lillies had bloomed.
I am so excited about them. I kinda freaked out. They look and smell amazing.  

Remember when I planted everything (here)? And then got my first Daylilly (here)?
I can't stop going out in the front yard to admire my blooms. Dorky, I know. But I don't care.

the best part is that it looks like there are lots more fixin' to bloom.


  1. just beautiful! you'll have to tell me where you got your bulbs/tubers.

  2. WOW!! Soo pretty! Nice work, Green fingers!

  3. Thanks, Girls! I'm pretty excited. I really didn't know what to expect when I planted the bulbs, but it's been so much fun. I'm such a nerd - I check on my flowers every morning before work, make sure they have water and Miracle Grow :) Beth - they were just a bag of bulbs from Home Depot!


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