Thursday, October 20, 2011

half pint night cap.

there were a million things we should have been doing tonight... picking up the house, running errands, doing laundry, packing for the weekend, preparing for meetings, getting hunter's stuff together, etc. etc. etc. but instead, we opted for a date night at Postino.

we bellied up to our favorite bar seats and even though we may regret it tomorrow, after a couple hours  we gave each other a quick glance and ordered "just one more round" - kinda... we capped off the night with two mini half-pints of beer - the perfect compromise for a school night.

in the long run, these are the memories that life are made of, right? we sure think so. and you know what? those pesky task lists always manage to get done (so relax, be naughty, skip the laundry, order one more & enjoy it).

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like my kind of happy hour. "One more round", I know that look.


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