Friday, January 21, 2011

misery loves company.

... and I have none right now. Danny's at work. Hunter is at Paw Play and I'm just miserable. I haven't felt this sick in a very long time. I battled a little cold over the holidays and thought I was done for the year. Nope, yesterday I started to feel a little off and then last night the flu/sinus infection symptoms all hit like a ton of bricks. Hope it's 24 hours because I can't take much more.

I hate being sick - really hate it. Such a waste of time... especially on a Friday. We had to cancel tonight's dinner plans with good friends at a new restaurant and I'm really bummed. I even tried to convince myself this is "mental" and I could will myself better so we could go out tonight. No such luck.

Looks like tonight is us, the couch, a movie and Thai Lahna's spiciest dish so I can sweat this nasty bug out.

{my nightstand}

hope your friday is better than mine.


  1. Get yourself better! We need to try that restaurant. :) xoxo

  2. HAHA, uuoh dno (said in my most nasaly Natty voice)... Get outa bed...


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