Thursday, November 4, 2010

the birthday hat.

Happy Birthday wishes to Stephanie!
Steph met Danny long before I did - in retail class at the UofA. There are stories of aliens, Ricardos and Rocket Dogs. After I met Danny, Steph would bring him around our sorority house "to study" and conveniently I'd always happen to be there.

Since college, we've all grown up a bit, been brides & bridesmaids and now Steph is a mom to little Kelsey which she writes about on her blog, Life as I know it.

Oh the happy hours we've had! I love thinking back on all the crazy realtionship conversations we've had over just "one more glass of wine." Remember when we would feel guilty ordering another drink so we'd have the waiter split our last margarita for us? As if it mattered at that point. I love all those memories and laughs with you.

Excited for Sunday Bunch with Baby Kelsey to celebrate the past and toast to the future! Steph, we love you & hope you have a fab birthday. I'm sure Ryan & Kels will spoil you tons.


  1. I just laughed out loud again! look at the photo, second from the top. Now look over to the top right of the image ... it's Ryan!!! I love how "centered" we were able to make this photo so all four of us could fit.

  2. PS - second from the bottom.


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